Innovative technologies

AquaClean Technology

Aquaclean Technology è a revolutionary treatment that allows you to remove stains using just a little bit; d& # 39; water. In this way, very simple maintenance is carried out in a minimum of time. Aquaclean helps to get rid of most household stains (wine, ink, gravy, grease, mud, chocolate, cream, etc.), making our life more difficult; simple and leaving us più time for the important things. AquacleanTechnology è advanced protection for your sofa upholstery. This treatment covers each fiber with an invisible molecular layer, preventing dirt from penetrating the fabric.

Algotex X6

Algotex X6 Technology allows you to cut up to 8cm thick, almost 40 layers of fabric! Thanks to this automatic cutting technology, Delta Salotti is able to ...

Feet painting

Delta è particularly careful to develop a productive practice in full respect of the environment and the health of men. For some time in Delta è a process of reduction and control of the environmental impact has been started, also in relation to the law which provides for the abolition of chrome paint. In fact, for 2 years we have alternatively introduced chrome-free finishes into production.

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